Updated on April 3, 2017

A day after April Fool’s, it seems like the right time to announce the news: I’m joining the Mozilla Creative Team as a design contractor starting tomorrow.
This is a major step and honor for me to work among one of the most influential design teams in the open source industry, closely involved with community and one which strives to be as decentralized as possible, in a world where latter seems unthinkable to do. When I started contributing to Mozilla 4 years ago, I missed any opportunities to get involved on a design level within the community, regardless if Branding, UI or UX. I’m happy that nowadays the landscape is more inclusive towards community designers, where I’d like to note the major open rebranding process we undertook last year, and the launch of the Open Design repo for communities to process design requests and have monthly meetings.
With the new Mozilla brand being launched 2 months ago, a great amount of work still lies before us. Apart from applying the new visual language across Mozilla’s websites and communication channels, we have to figure out how Communities are involved with the new identity, to make it feel consistent, yet flexible and inclusive for a wide range of communities.

With the Creative Team at the All-Hands Work Week in Hawaii last year.
My work will encompass exactly this and work closer with the community to strengthen the bridge between Staff and Contributors and offer ways for design contributors to get involved in a similar manner as developers in open source. With Mozilla being one of the leading forces of diverse contributor backgrounds in open source, it completely makes sense to make this the next step.
My work will be closely tied with values we share at Ura Design and Open Source Design, which have taught me invaluable lessons in the past. I look forward to turning them into practice and update you soon on the actual projects we are working on.
Mozilla Open Design Blog
Mozilla Open Design Repo
Mozilla New Brand Principles
Tim Maks van den Broek